Congratulations to Amahle Mabilisa, Nosihle Makhatini, Lungile Mbokazi and Sibongakonke Zuma on a remarkable achievement. They were first in the district – winners of the high school level YCAP (Youth Citizens Action Programme). This is a programme which empowers students to address societal issues at school from bullying to substance abuse, lack of discipline etc. Dundee High had the best presentation and these learners won the first position trophy and were awarded certificates for their hard work. There’s an epidemic spreading. Scientists say it can change your brain and it can release dangerous chemicals into your blood stream. It can expose your lungs to a chromium that could cause irreversible damage. It’s not a parasite, nor a virus, not an infection but VAPING.
Dundee High School YCAP students raised funds by selling chips and installed smoke detectors in the toilets to reduce the new epidemic of ‘vaping’ in the school.
Out of the three high schools that participated in the district, Dundee High School was victorious. These learners will participate at provincial level in Durban later in September. The district introduced the campaign to the learners. “It has been a complicated project because we had June exams, so we all had to multi-task but we are glad we pulled it off,” said Lungile Mbokazi, the YCAP leader.
A special thank you to Mrs Sewmangal for accompanying the learners to the venue and back as well as providing much appreciated guidance. It is great to see the youth making a difference. (Report by Lungile Mbokazi)